As our household activities become part of a routine, we seldom think of their impact to the environment. Others might not even know that everyday household activities contribute to water pollution. This occurs when the rain washes the fertiliser from your lawn and the oils from your driveway, leading them to nearby lakes and rivers—which are the same sources of our drinking water.


To prevent the negative effects, here are several tips you can consider for safe water resources and potable water supply:


1. Surround your garden with native plants and use natural fertilisers.


As native plants require less water, they could withstand drought conditions and extreme weather situations. They would cost less to maintain, as you can even use natural fertilisers, such as compost, peat and bone meal. This would eliminate the need for artificial fertilisers that aggravate water pollution. This inclination to use natural products would help you retain the soil’s moisture and divert waste from landfills.


2. Recycle or dispose of motor oil properly.

Don’t simply spill waste motor oil into your gutters or storm drains. Reports show that a single quart of motor oil, which seeps into the ground, could pollute 250,000 gallons of potable water.


Visit your local sanitation office or public works department. Ask if they would have a safe place for used motor oil, so you can start recycling. When you drop by the service station, enquire if they have a program that buys back waste oil. They would know the right procedure in disposing of these oils.


3. See the bigger picture and act!

Apart from the household activities, reach out to your community by joining coastal clean ups or an environmental group. Volunteer on stream pollution monitoring projects and water quality sampling. Educate others about the water issues in the community, spreading the word on proper waste management and treatment.


To boost your protection against water contaminants at home, Clean and Clear Water provides a range of undersink water filters and whole house filtration solutions. We offer the water filtration solutions that you need, giving you purified and great-tasting water. For enquiries or installation procedures, contact our friendly staff today!

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