You hear it all the time: you should drink eight glasses of water every day. Several studies over the years have provided different recommendations on the amount of water one should drink, with the “8 glasses a day” rule being the most popular. The truth, however, is that there’s no single amount that fits everyone. Water needs vary and depend on several factors, including how active you are, your health, and where you live.


While there’s no single formula to determine the amount of water your body needs, you can estimate how much you should drink by understanding your body’s need for fluids.


The Health Benefits


Water makes up around 80 percent of the body’s lean body mass. It keeps all parts working properly. It helps maintain a balance of essential minerals, regulates temperature, especially during hot weather, and digests and processes food. It also aids in the absorption of nutrients and passing of waste.


Every part and system in the body depends on water. It carries nutrients to the cells, flushes toxins out of vital organs, and provides a moist environment for throat, nose, and ear tissues.


How Much Water Does the Body Need?

Your body loses water continually—through breath and perspiration, in urine, and during bowel movements. This is why you need to replenish its water supply. But how much water does the body really need?


According to a study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, the average sedentary man needs to drink at least 2.9 litres of water every day, while the average sedentary woman about 2.2 litres. The Dietitians Association of Australia recommends eight to ten glasses of fluid per day for all adults.


Special Cases

Drink more water if you’re physically active and during hot weather conditions. Experts also advise consuming more fluids if you’re exposed to air-conditioning for long periods. Drinking water becomes even more important if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, or have diarrhoea and fever.


Your urine can also help determine if you need more water. A bright yellow shade could mean you lack enough fluid.


Water is essential to the body, so it’s important to ensure you have access to clean, safe drinking water all the time. For quality water filters, coolers, and undersink boilers and chillers, contact us. We offer water filtration solutions for homes, schools, and offices.

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