Everyone knows that the true key to weight loss is to smash your scales. If you can’t measure it, then it doesn’t exist. Beyond that, diet and exercise are the next best option to beating the bulge. Do they exist ways to heighten the effects of the hard work you’re putting in to getting that beach body? According to some research, cold water does indeed have its benefits in aiding with weight loss.

Barriers to Drinking More Water

The link between cold water and fat loss has been shown to exist. The consumption of cold water causes the metabolism to rise and that leads to faster fat loss. This could be great news except for the problems of having instant access to ice-cold drinking water. If you forget to put a bottle in the fridge the night before, you could be left without access to the cold water your body needs. Also, if you don’t happen to have one of those fancy refrigerators with the built-in water and ice dispensers, you won’t have cold water on tap.

But you can.

Water Chiller Removing Barriers

Cold water on tap is exactly what an undersink water chillers will give you. It slips underneath the sink and sits unobtrusively away from your bench top. It can provide you with instant access to thermostat-regulated water that is always ready to go. The undersink water chiller continues to work even under demand by producing up to 6 litres of chilled, healthy water every hour. That’s more than enough to satisfy any household’s requests. Losing weight can be even easier with cold water ready at a pull of the faucet. By removing those barriers of filling up bottles or remembering to stock the ice tray, your resolve to lose weight won’t be hampered. Even just having the instant access will help to remind you that your weight goal can be achieved much easier.

If you’re ready to install your own water chiller or even if you’re ready to talk about it some more, give us a call today on 1300 733 853. You can also go through our contact page to let us know that you’re interested.

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