Government agencies have already set drinking water guidelines to help ensure the health and safety of both children and adults. Local water supplies do their best to adhere to those guidelines. That’s why many contaminants are already removed from the water that comes out of our faucets.

However, anything can happen between the water source and your faucet. Contaminants might still find their way into your child’s glass of water. If there’s just an added protection that will remove those contaminants, you will have fewer things to worry about.

That’s where water filters come in. They can remove the contaminants that might harm your family’s health. With water filters installed in your home, you’ll be certain that water is clean and safe for everyday use.

So what Contaminants can Water Filters Remove? Below are some of the contaminants that are taken out by the water filters:

E. coli

Many E. coli strains are actually harmless. However, its presence in water indicates that other harmful organisms might also be present. In addition, it could be a sign that the water is contaminated by sewage.

Our water filtration system can remove E. coli (through our 5-stage reverse osmosis water filters). The system also removes other impurities that will be discussed below.

Dust and fine grains

These contaminants or impurities might also find their way into our drinking water. Maybe it’s through the leaks and exposure. Whatever the case, they should all be removed with the help of water filters.

Dust and fine grains might cause irritation to our family, especially to children. Yes, they obviously affect the clearness of water. But they can also cause harm to human health if we don’t remove those impurities.


Volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) in water are often present as carbon compounds that interacted with chlorine. These chlorinated organic compounds can be easily absorbed in our digestive tract. Sudden exposure to high levels might cause damage to our nervous system.

These VOCs might have resulted from the activities of industrial facilities and human waste processing. If there are recent concerns about those in your area, you might want to install water filters that remove VOCs. This way, you protect yourself and your family from those harmful chemicals.

Trihalomethanes, fluoride, and chlorine

Some community water supplies add fluoride to promote stronger teeth among the constituents. However, excessive amounts and long-term exposure might result to bone diseases. In addition, fluoride can react with organic compounds to form trihalomethanes (which are harmful to human health).

On the other hand, chlorine is added to water as part of the disinfection process. It kills many types of bacteria and other microorganisms. But there’s no need for us to consume that chlorine. It affects the taste and might also cause some harm in the long term.

You must remove the excessive fluoride and chlorine from your drinking water. That’s why you must choose the right water filter or filtration system for your home. It will also help if you ask questions what specific contaminants those filters can remove. This way, you ensure that the water you use for drinking will be free from impurities.

We can help you choose the proper home water filter system if you contact us now by filling out this FORM.

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